Airtable is a low-code platform for building collaborative apps. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersFischerKing. @FischerKing64. ’@FischerKing64 This is an aesthetic compliment. Stanford’s incoming class is 22% white. ”@FischerKing64 I very much enjoy reading most of your tweets (thoughts). Oh I blocked him instantly. Americans are able to watch biopics or read biographies about Admiral Yamamoto or General Rommel, admire their technical skill, sense of honor, while realizing it’s good they lost. Remember in 2016 how there were so many GOP candidates they split debates into A/B teams? Someone like NY Govr Pataki was B team, no one cared or watched. A rape or robbery victim who kills perpetrator sends an even stronger message than cop making arrest. Now I’m speculating, but admitted white men are likely connected - legacies, or just bought way [email protected][email protected]. Didn’t mind it because all I was doing was dealing with trash, and I was left alone to do it. Log in. 24. She’s talking to donors. Section 8 housing. " These schools are banking heavily on their pedigree, that major law firms/institutions will "trust them. It’s Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. Less than half of that is white men. Lee - and his family - is buried beneath a chapel in the center of the campus. Was a helluva good lesson for him - yes. Very impressed. This is how you cook for yourself most nights as a working person. So it’s not as lucrative as before. Polish jarred sauerkraut works just as well as German variants, and is typically half the cost. Of note, @ChristinaPushaw his spokesperson was a foreign agent affiliated with the now imprisoned fraudster in the Georgian color revolution & Maidan coup [email protected] 10h On same note - when you eliminate advanced courses, AP courses, force smart kids into classrooms with the rowdy and/or incapable - you hobble the element of next generation which could carry everyone else. Said it before, but financial elite would like mass inflation. 3:32 PM · Jul 20, 2023 · 14. You become an Anglican priest first, get married, have your kids. Post script - when your typical white liberal reads these headlines - s/he really believes being accepted to all 8 Ivy League schools, MIT and Stanford is a sign of genius. The last sentence -lol. “@FischerKing64 The simple fact is that Ben Hodges is a blithering idiot who could not reason his way out of a phone booth. 12:55 PM · Jan 18, 2023. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested [email protected]. ”@FischerKing64. 1/Regime/culture change is possible w/extreme [email protected][email protected]. People get angry at fitness accounts (this isn’t one of them) because they find them humiliating. Generally only people who lack the capacity for shame, or people willing to cave to donors who have dirt on them, even run for office. ·[email protected]. In 1989 he served under Secretary of State James Baker in a strategic planning role as communism fell. But here is something direct. Refrigerate for while, then form patties as below:“@FischerKing64 The last time someone announced they had a dream, they got a bullet to the head. Take a dog into some cramped apartment, impose no discipline at all, you will quickly have a problem on your [email protected] And this is why focused effort is so important - if everyone engaged in it - in whatever form suits him - the utopian bullshit would mostly not emerge at all - at least in the ludicrous, extreme forms surrounding us now. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. Really odd they stopped communicating in public right around the time the Twitter campaign for Ron started. Visiting a grad school friend in New England, his colleague wasn’t worried about $$. Conformist societies that smother individuality lose out on genius. Women since centuries have fallen for men that didn’t have top looks, but some other quality that made them attractive, which then made them physically attractive to the smitten gal. 2. But am immediately reminded that people who listened to Kennedy/Nixon debate on radio thought Nixon won. “4/ now we’re going to make the broth in which we cook the risotto. People that keep that as an occupier of time are not who I want to build rapport with. Read 5 tweets. (Excerpts from article in latest New Scientist magazine)[email protected]. 12. This is actually fucken [email protected]. ”@FischerKing64 Americans still hear an English accent and think ‘this person is high class. This is probably more true in age of iPhones. Way to view new CEO. @FischerKing64. At least people who fill their homes with knickknacks & trash can turn their misfortune into a reality show that helps them. Then assemble your tacos. Did Derbyshire expect he was going to be fired?”@im_1776 hasn’t Tweeted. “@FischerKing64 There is always work to be done for those who are looking for work. 3/To feed 2 people, I use about 1/2 cup of brown rice, cooked it in rice [email protected]. United States is publicly committing suicide. ”“8/ that’s is. And that's it. This thread is a. And the difficulty of learning the language fluently humbles you, gives you sense of world, what you don’t know. You must actually be good at campaigning nationally. 11:35 PM · May 7, 2023. There has been a reparations regime in place for decades. ”“There is also a shift to pass/fail grading. FbF. He said it didn’t bother him b/c no one really pays attention to anyone [email protected]. “@FischerKing64 If you want something a little "extra": Take some sour cream or buttermilk, mix 1-2 tbsp's of either into 2 cups of heavy cream and leave it out overnight. ·. ·. But its ambition was to explore much more widely, and to look for lost war ships and the like. People see through that shit. Someone who wrote an episode of Frasier got paid when it aired, and then got paid again and again when it was re-aired. Doctors won’t do it, view it as violation of Hippocratic oath, send them to therapy. You might think that greeter is in charge. 16 average per year before the vaccine in 1 year after the vaccine there were 294 professional athlete deaths due to medical causes. ”“@FischerKing64 I agree with most of your statements on Trump because energy matters so much. “Checking in on the culture:”@FischerKing64 If you want to survive as a nation you have to care about your heritage stock, and you have to look for talent everywhere and cultivate it wherever you find it. I don’t know how one can’t admire this ambition, even if. The American political system lives on this. Yet with every generation theory has changed, ideas of how to win shift. Not just figures on a page like GDP. 12:00 AM · Apr 4, 2023. Anyone above the age of 25 who isn't a saint has skeletons in the closet. ·. I am marinating them in about 1/4 cup of mayo, with small handful of kosher salt, tablespoon of cumin, and 2 small chipotle peppers with adobo [email protected] Short thread - technology and music. FischerKing @[email protected] Powerful bishops and cardinals also kept a gal on the side, even had families, people turned a blind eye in Middle Ages into early modern Europe. So often people get dazzled by the leaders or the self promotion of a religious group and don't take the time to see how it is forming (or not forming) the people in in the [email protected]. Top guys get rich, middle America eviscerated. Why? Because they aren't discussed nearly as much as. You do some time consuming things on the weekend, and you have some quick ones in back pocket for week And sometimes I just get a burger at the pub. What matters is the people, their culture, their values. The Poles seem uniquely talented at producing films that make me want to put a pistol in my mouth after I've watched them. Here he outlines negotiations re German reunification - take note of highlighted part in context of Ukraine now. He may be a registered sex offender (which is how he was introduced on the show), but his political instincts are good. “@FischerKing64 They tried this tactic with Adorno and he didn’t pay them any mind, either. If they get away with it without any real fuss, they will start agitating to get rid of Lee himself. Chess is a closed game. ”Replying to @FischerKing64 But neocons convinced people that Preserving Our Democracy is more important than their only son’s wellbeing! 1 reply 1 retweet 6 [email protected] Conservative talk radio heard on a drive: ‘Robert F Kennedy is interesting, what he’s offering the country is very negative, but he’s in[email protected]. Robert E. No one behaved this way until they knew they were being filmed and a sort of arms race of emoting [email protected]. Would be easy to see advances of electronics as causing downfall of classical music tradition and rise of rock and noise. 7. S. 5h. At the end of the day I’ll vote for either guy. Then you "discover" that you're a Catholic, enter into communion w/Church, and you can become a priest. Just a couple bad debate performances, and he was toast. Maybe the inner logic is all the same. Koizumi would have complied Japan is a vassal, so is NATO Europe and South [email protected]. maybe black beans depending on the shrimp:tortilla size ratioReplying to @FischerKing64 As a high IQ nerd whose sensitive to music, poetry, lit, phil I assure you that having done this type of work it completely robs you of any feeling of self respect, humanity, or trust in the moral intentions of other people and you will die from despair if you find no [email protected]. Might keep lights on. " / Twitter. Vocal proud atheist of course. Additionally, physicists are not trained to debate social issues, so conversations are often mean spirited and accusatory. Recurrent theme among white collar workers in 30s-40s is ‘did I really spend all that time in school for this?’ Economy deadens intelligent people, makes them feel trapped, humiliates them. In an aristocratic society, people look up, try to conform to manners of their betters. It's fine to write about Sherman, talk about his mental problems, recovery, prowess as a General - VDH does this from time to time. It’s surprising that people think the hard sciences are immune to woke, rather than some of its most ardent [email protected]. ”To build a diverse class of students, the medical school at UC Davis ranks applicants by the disadvantages they have faced. Had I known I could make $$ from engagement, I would not have set up this account, but rather two separate accounts: 1) hot chick who is conservative, never says anything compelling, but posts bikini shots; 2) culture critic who uses Wikipedia and Google images to feign insight. 105. This movie depicts a minor society that loses any sense of meaning and hope. See new [email protected]. This is why the globalist system will collapse eventually. ”“@LoganHe37277307 @FischerKing64 Yeah they aren't being paid in access at all. FischerKing. No one has ever asked me about college. Some in Biglaw will be thrilled by this. There are women who are beautiful but strangely not photogenic. Woman is his mother, and at far right is his father. If the diversity programs run out of the DEI departments are illegal - law firms can just focus on getting the best result by employing the most talented attorneys. It will discuss history, connections among [email protected]. 1. I agree with Rufo but I think the example I gave of Dartmouth at least makes Yarvin’s concern not crazy. " This society is on a trajectory that is going to play itself out. Israel a quasi ally Netanyahu may dither for a bit rather than immediate compliance for oral, but he too would eventually drop to his [email protected]. In 1989 he served under Secretary of State James Baker in a strategic planning role as communism fell. They want to see how happy the students and faculty are, vs how angry the locals get. Think of the universe, how open it is, how little we know - and we hear claims of certainty. This is the level of a mind that invents whores pissing on a [email protected][email protected] Whoever told DeSantis it would be a good idea to eat pizza during a recorded interview, and then talk while he was still chewing, should be fired on the spot. We just don’t call it ‘reparations’ b/c some white people get it/do it too. 3:52 AM · May 18, [email protected] Reminder that there are people who get it in their head that they must have a totally healthy limb amputated. ”In this conversation. If her project is to increase monetization at all levels, even if that means reintroducing some censorship, that’s what we will see. shhh they dont like it when you use [email protected]. In the updated version of Les Misérables, Jean Valjean is called Ahmed, instead of stealing bread to feed starving family members, he burns cars all night for the sheer thrill of destruction - and he isn’t arrested, he’s celebrated and his victims get diversity training. Still an improvement on what we had before, but this isn’t going to be an absolute free speech platform, as Elon has said anyway. Careful approach was doomed. Bring to simmer, and cook for 20m until porcini is soft. the thread may evolve over time, but its focus is to put this music in front of people totally deprived of classical music education (which is almost everyone, especially young men who can benefit most). Some of the women derided as ‘mid’ - when in reality every man with a pulse would be interested - fall in this [email protected]. Post script - when your typical white liberal reads these headlines - s/he really believes being accepted to all 8 Ivy League. Cheerful older man greets you, ushers you into massive room of [email protected] You were lambasted in part for using the term “heritage stock” and implying that non-white males were not admitted on merit. @FischerKing64. ”@FischerKing64 4/So you can say USA is getting stronger vis a vis Europe or Russia or even China. 3/ boil potatoes in water and a tbsp of salt - for about 5-10m, till paring knife easily penetrates. Has anyone in this series of Andrew Tate interviews flat out asked him, ‘did you amass your fortune through online pornography/onlyfans girls?’ If someone has gotten a straight answer on that I haven’t heard it. This is the world white liberals want: men 70% black 30% white, women the other way around. Lee himself will be exhumed in a few years is my guess. Nothing new under the sun. 7:40 PM · Jul 7, [email protected]. But he failed to hire the right people. This will be first tweet in series that discusses Beethoven's String Quartets. It has won fewer than Sweden with roughly 12x the population & higher average IQ. Your husband has been questioned under oath about asking a WH aide to insert a cigar into her vagina - then he lights it up and praises the flavor. 3/ Add in your potatoes, then hit with 1/2 cup of stock (chicken or vegetable), bring to simmer, turn heat down, cover, and let cook for about 30m. 11:16 PM · Aug 18, 2022. , writer James/Jan Morris's daughter has just written about what a huge prick he/she was. And ‘self-help’ reparations in form of subway muggings, car-jacking, home invasions/robberies. Will try to avoid too many plot spoilers, point out prescient areas. ’ There is a kind of ironic logic to keeping Americans in hamster wheels most the time, then giving them a day off to shop, buying shit they don’t need to express their ‘[email protected] And some guy with tattoos all over his body who has a popular podcast has made a ton more $$ by having his wife on to explain how she cucked him, and he explains how it made him feel. Let it rest in fridge overnight. Periodic reminder that in the United States when a teacher (eg Mary Kay Letourneau) sleeps with her student, Americans send her to jail. Apr 5. Architecture & Tradition. The rural math genius like John Nash - he has no chance. There are some people online who are making the claim that Vivek Ramaswamy is Soros backed because he was a recipient of the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011. The GOP machine is so far behind the curve on this it’s laughable. @FischerKing64.