Jgm ministries. For I, the Lord, this day want to remind My children that I am the Most High God, that I am delivering you, that I never fail, and I never lose. Jgm ministries

 For I, the Lord, this day want to remind My children that I am the Most High God, that I am delivering you, that I never fail, and I never loseJgm ministries  everything you see

MayhemMero 5 hours ago. They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave. The plans of the enemies are being destroyed and victories will be celebrated, because I am freeing the world from the world leaders, because this is the time for your freedom, saith. Your adversary has been holding up his people with. Lee Camp 10 hours ago. We are a non-denominational ministry built on the Word of God. Heads of governments, world leaders, and many in highly powerful positions are about to be removed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. . We are for people with something to say and something to share, who believe in authentic expression, and want to control the value of their own creations. 104K 98 1:06:07. We win. They cannot keep My chosen people from the seats that rightfully belong to them. Marching Orders - 2023 A YEAR TO BE FREE, A YEAR OF GREAT VICTORY. First Name. 533. Date Word Received: June 22, 2022. My guardian angels protect me wherever I go. Nothing has gotten past Me. They are blowing. follow 195k. AN ENTIRE ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT WILL FALL. My Word will lead and guide you in the right direction that you should go. Change is coming in a way no one expected, along with how quickly everything you know to be normal will suddenly change. Friday, September 23, 2022. Stop thinking I can't, or I won't this time deliver My people. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children to stand firm and not be moved at what you see come next. Not the nations your enemies envisioned upon the Earth for their control. Trump Soars In Polls - In the Litter Box w/ Jewels & Catturd - Ep. 81k. An empire will fall. I am the God who tore down the walls of Jericho. I have given you everything you need in this earth to be victorious and to be an overcomer in every area of your lives. live with julie: remember who is standing between them and youJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES 5 days ago. Location / Where Are You From? “I started watching you this spring. Feb 17, 2023. I have seen them manipulate and try. A GREAT REMOVAL AND A GREAT REINSTATEMENT. 158. This is a time to celebrate. Do not listen to your enemies. Your enemies want to use many things to weaken you in this time, but I have built you up stronger. Yuval Noah Harari, you are about to take a fall you didn't see coming. 370 - 7/17/2023. Our Father tells us in Hebrews 4:16 to come boldy before His throne of grace, to receive mercy and grace in our time of need. Joshua Generation School of Ministry is an online program designed to equip students with the knowledge to serve God with excellence in the call He has placed upon their lives. So brace for a time of change like no other time in history. Davenport, IA 52807. In this powerful video, Julie Green shares a prophetic message from God that is sure to insp. This Nation is rising. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to get in My Word more than you have in days past because My Word is truth, and it will set you free from having the world's perspective of what is going on in the world today. 17 LIVE. 14,882 likes · 3,840 talking about this. 5 Prophecies Fulfilled from Julie Green Ministries, predicting the fall of Israel's Government & newly elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 1. Many things are happening at one time, and many prophecies are. 🔴🔴 MAKE AN ACCOUNT JOIN HERE 🔴🔴 6,699 watchingHillary and Nancy are about to be exposed in a way like never before. Found. If you see a prophecies being fulfilled in the news, we would love for you to share those articles with us. The data for Florida is. I confess every sin I have committed knowingly or unknowingly. THE RELEASE OF MY EAGLE HAS BEGUN. A great darkness is coming against your enemies. live with julie: what all belongs to a child of the most high godI told you, My David is coming to bring down the giants. shaneyyricch 6 hours ago. The Power of the Israeli Lobby | A Conversation with Ambassador Chas FreemanIf you have Telegram, you can view and join Prophecies Fulfilled right away. Date Received - November 28, 2022 Watch video MARCHING ORDER: God says:  stop believing their lies and your eyes [walk by faith and not by sight*];  shout louder, shout more, and shout them (false governments, officials, politicians, rulers, leaders) all down**; and&ambut there will be no take five tomorrow or wednesday of next week julie green ministries international 4620 e 53rd street su. A fall of your enemies' empire that they built to keep you in bondage. We will stand and take the authority given to us by the finished work of Jesus Christ, and in JESUS NAME, WE DECLARE: - We are on the Lord’s side. They have it all. Welcome to the official website of Brother Timothy V Dixon. ENTER INTO THE SPECIAL PLACE. It's time for nothing to be held back that I have for you. I believe that you are faithful to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Also please note and select one consent box before clicking send. They are all coming down. 3K 5 7:45:10. Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 active members. A storm is upon your enemies, and it is about to get harder and harder for them to stay afloat with their lies. GOOD NEWS - Infinite Hope # 144. Yes, defeat. Press in, My children, now more than ever, and you will see Me, the Lord of Hosts, destroy your enemies before the world. JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES 4 days ago. Your enemies are denied access to control your lives anymore. Videos About. No enemy can defeat the blood of Jesus. Watch video. - All who participated in the coup to overthrow any Federal, State, or Local election will be exposed, cast down, and brought to justice. She has been married to her husband for 21 years, and they have three sons. julie green ministries. Say it- they are finished, their world order is dead, and its hold over this earth is broken now, in the name of Jesus. PROPHETIC UPDATE 2023. Julie Green Ministries, Bettendorf, Iowa. This is the year for a great harvest to. Date Word Received: Sept 15, 2022, Prophetic Words from Washington/Idaho. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children, once again, I am your deliverer, and I am raining down My Glory at the same time I am raining down judgments against your enemies. © Timothy V Dixon Ministry, Inc. Date Word Received: January 15, 2023. Their walls are coming down. I plead the blood of Jesus over everything, and the. 41. A great uniting has begun that cannot be stopped. Home; About Us;. The end is near for him, and the world will finally know all he has done and all he paid to do it. Something big is brewing. Pray that their home and all the others are safe. 95K followers. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to celebrate the fall of your enemies, their system, this fraudulent government, their news stations, their court systems, their education systems, and their medical industry. So get ready for this time. I have said, enough is enough. This is the only official page for Julie Green MinistriesA new one is rising, saith the Lord. So expect to see them. 6 months ago disruptions and eruptions are coming to washington dc. Right Side Broadcasting Network 4 days ago. My eagle is rising, not dying. Blog — JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Blog Featured Posts BELIEVER’S RESPONSIBILITY How can you follow someone you don’t know? How can you trust someone you don’t know? How can you have. I am avenging you now, My children, and you haven't seen anything yet. ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Jan 5, 2023. You shout. from tyrannical governments. 4K 13 2:14:58. JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES. JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES 3 days ago. She has been married to her husband for 21 years and they have 3 sons. It was in April of 2003 that God led the Galls to take a step of faith and launch JGM. to take over and take back all that [rightfully] belongs to you. The eagle is being set free. Julie Green Ministries exists to transform lives through God’s unconditional love, His Word, and theA RESISTANCE IS GROWING ACROSS THE WORLD. Jan 5, 2023. For I, the Lord, this day want to remind My children that I am the Most High God, that I am delivering you, that I never fail, and I never lose. embed share. Read More →. Julie’s father and mother became born again and were filled with the Holy Spirit while her mother was pregnant with Julie. They are denied the ability to accomplish the plans they are trying to fulfill. They are denied the power to control this Nation. So, this day, My children, stand. Kari Lake - In the Litter Box w/ Jewels & Catturd - Ep. JGM Holy Ghost and Fire Service - Waldorf, MN Sunday, July 31, 2022Today's News! A New Jussie Smollett, Jason Aldeen Drama, New App To Detect Woke & More!It will consume the elites, and it will consume the fraudulent Biden Administration. Donald Trump Jr. Follow 196K. Expectancy! Expectancy! Expect from Me. Sharing a recent prophecy from JGM Ministries. Thursday, January 19, 2023 7:00 PM. BIG CHANGES ARE COMING TO WASHINGTON DC. I’ve shared with my sisters and it’s made a huge difference in our lives. Watch video. I will bring you great joy, saith the Lord your Redeemer. Date Word Received: July 27, 2022. julie green 2023Many are taking place all at once. Do not settle with your lives the way they have been. I will show you My plans were always for your good, My children. Before establishing Julie Green Ministries International, Prophet Julie Green was already a pastor at Faith Family Fellowship. This is the time to receive from Me in greater measures, saith the Lord your Redeemer. The Quartering. For I, the Lord, this day, am providing My children with the truth to set you free from everything that has enslaved you. The evidence has been. These are the days of Haman. Moves are being made. A change is coming, My children, that will change the course of your lives. Don't settle with that pain. Yes, this is true, and yes, this type of technology is out there. in your lands. Bret and Heather 183rd DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Uninventing the West. You are now letting your adversary know that no matter the test. For I, the Lord, this day am telling you in 2023 things are about to look very different. 206K 99 1:33:21. Name (required) First Name. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to rejoice even when it seems like you should do the opposite. A prop is about to be seen on live TV to give the so-called Biden away. For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children once again to get ready for change. Keep it. You will overcome, outlast, and outmaneuver your enemies in every way. 8K 7 1:01:39. Betrayals left, and right will continue to be seen. God's Message Today: A Prophetic Word from Julie Green for 2023. I will show you who you really are, not who the world says you are. I am waiting on you, My children, more than you are waiting on Me. I am the God who is the judge over all the Earth. YOUR ENEMIES ARE SELF DESTRUCTING. Steve-O's Wild Ride! Podcast 2 days ago. When your feet walk, when you talk, and when you confess My Word, the demons will flee from your presence as far as they can and as wide as they can to get away from you. 14. Do not stay where you have been. Matt. Watch video. Kings Spring Farm 448 Springville Road Quarryville, PA, 17566 United States (map) Join Patriots Arise in making these historical times unforgettable! Gathering together making friends who become family and memories that last a lifetime. Heads of governments, world leaders, and many in highly powerful positions are about to be removed by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. It will bring great restoration. From 2001-2003, Jeremy worked as an Associate Evangelist of David Horton, ministering in crusades and seminars across the country. Please be aware that many accounts on all social media platforms claim to be Julie Green or Julie Green Ministries. LIVE WITH JULIE: IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK. Do not believe they are in control. The deep state and its power over this Nation are collapsing. The most warm & comfortable clothing for freezers & cold store warehouses. Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldFaith Based channel made to give people hope, encouragement in the Word of God. Communication lines have been severed by Me, and more gaffes will be heard, greater gaffes that will rock Obama and.