25 may have destroyed the home of the Chabad Center for Jewish Life at the University of Delaware, but the Jewish university students and communities members in the area are trying to turn the tragedy into something positive • Full StoryMendel Gurary – Montreal, Canada to Zissel Tenenbaum – Morristown, NJ. The Yeshiva World. 1775 - 1835) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Article by Gil Ronen / Arutz Sheva. I have motion sensor lights in my back yard. 5 years in Russian prison for a minor drug charge. The delegation also met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu • PhotosWith great sadness, we regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Add Comment. 21 hours ago. Victoria Police say a suspect has been identified amid an investigation into anti-Semitic graffiti that appeared at the Chabad Centre for Jewish Life and Learning earlier this past week • Full StoryLike previous years, a bicycle convoy left Crown Heights for midtown Manhattan on Chol Hamoed Pesach. 45 Mechanchim and many more Mechanchim and Mechanchos online attended an eye opening, most uplifting event at a Special Evening for Teachers arranged by the Lubavitch Chinuch organization Igud Hamelamdim. Police in the French capital said Sunday the word “Juden”, which is German for Jews, was discovered Saturday as anti-government protesters and police forces clashed in other parts of the city • Full StoryFour Mitzvah Tanks paraded through the streets of Montreal this past Thursday, in honor of Yud Alef Nissan, marking the Rebbe’s 113th birthday. Mazal Tov. Photos by Oded Kaizerman for Chabadinfo. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion Schneerson24 September 2017 Archives. In honor of thirty days since the miraculous release of Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin on Beis-Gimmel Teves, a special Seudas Hoda’ah took place in 770 tonight, Beis-Gimmel Shvat • PhotosMendel Shimshoni (Crown Heights) to Chanie Haberman (Crown Heights) L'Chaim: Sunday, March 12th, 8:00pm at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown St. Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 16 , 5783. ב"ה Sunday,. She is the daughter of the Reb Avrohom Boruch Pevzner the noted Mashpia and Choizer of the Rebbe Rashab. Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, had a special visitor today, Friday. It should be noted, that these edits were made while the Rebbetzin was in the hospital on Chof Beis Shevat, 5748. Can I let my dogs out to the yard to do their business because I don’t walk them on the leash on Shabbos?The Liberow (Barranquilla, Colombia) and Schapiro (Manalapan, NJ) families celebrated the L’Chaim of their children Shaya and Kraindy Sunday night in Lubavitch Yeshiva • PhotosThe annual Chof Av farbrengen in Almaty, Kazakhstan, just a short distance from the tziyun of Reb Levi Yitzchok, marked another milestone this year as well: 25 years since the founding of the Chabad center in Almaty • Full Story, PhotosWritten by Hershy Minkowitz. Shluchim Start the Day Right in Beis Chayenu. November 30, 2017. Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 22 , 5783. Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 15 , 5783. The bochurim heard words of inspiration from Rabbis Menachem Mendel Hakohen Hendel and Mendel Yusewitz, and received a special gift in appreciation for their hard work • Photos 131 Tags: MM Hendel , PoconosGrowing up in urban Brooklyn, we all looked forward to overnight summer camp. This week’s Hagaos are presented in honor of Memkeh Schmukler, on the occasion of his wedding. The times of Israel. com editor. | June 1, 2023 . -WiFi (filtered). Kabbalas Shabbos. *Only proper comments will be allowed. Despite the heavy snow, hundreds joined the first candle lighting • WatchA South Florida community came together Sunday to remember a New York rabbi who was gunned down near a South Florida synagogue as loved ones prepare to embark on a mission of peace and healing across America • Full ArticleFrom Rosh Chodesh till the 12 th day of Nissan, everyday one is supposed to say after Davening the daily Nossi • Today’sIf the minyan is holding by Nefilas Apayim, and the person next to me is behind, and still davening Shemoneh Esrei, can I sit down, or do I have to find another place to do it?Video. L’Chaim: Tonight (Tues. The goal of the class is to allow people the opportunity to study Torah from their home or office, and hear insights from the Torah that will help understand some of the most challenging questions • WatchOn Sunday afternoon, in an exclusive, closed session titled “Moshiach for America”, over 50 North-American Shluchim gathered together. Photographer Mordechai Lubecki presents beautiful images of the event hall, together with moments with guest stars, singer Haim Israel and keyboardist Israel Susana • Full Story, PhotosPolice are investigating anti-Semitic graffiti that was found sprayed across a bagel shop in the old Jewish quarter of Paris. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovIn the Israeli town of Osniel, a group of American students from the Tzfas Chabad Yeshiva, joined by Rabbi Dahan, who cares for terror victims, went to the home of. 866 likes, 31 comments - COLlive (@colliveofficial) on Instagram on March 8, 2023: "Mazal Tov to Mendel Shimshoni (Crown Heights) and Chani Haberman (Crown Heights) on. PIRSUM RISHON: ‘Mafteiach’ Releases New Set of Rebbe’s Edits In Honor of Tes KislevPix 11. com has recently published a photo of the Rebbe, believed to have never been seen before. Raksin served as the first president of N’shei Chabad, in the late 1960’s. Posted to Community Events on March 8, 2023. 3 million • Full StoryChabad Jews in the state are passing on their religious heritage with the hiring of Utah’s first locally raised rabbi to found Chabad Hebrew schools Rabbi Avremi Zippel and Sheina Zippel, his wife, will serve as youth and program directors in the Chabad Lubavitch of Utah, the state’s chapter of the Chabad Lubavitch, the largest organization of Jews worldwide. Pictures by Chadashot 24. -Shared bathroom/kitchen. In the times of the Arizal, it was the common custom for many Mekubalim to greet the Shabbos in a unique way. 120A Kremlin spokesperson stated on Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a discussion with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his visit to Israel this week about the possibility of a pardon for Naama Issachar, the Israeli backpacker sentenced to 7. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion SchneersonOholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch of Crown Heights just marked the completion of their 11th year of operation. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovA 63-unit rental building on Eastern Parkway has been sold for $52 million, after being purchased as a vacant lot in 2012 for $8. Alternate Side Parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended Thursday-Shabbos, January 4-6 for snow operations in New York city. Simchas. New Engagement. Photos by Menush AmitThe Governor of Florida, Ron Desantis, led a delegation of about 100 Floridians on a 5-day trade mission to Israel. We would all go to the Catskill mountains, and enjoy two months of green grass, outdoor activities, nature hikes and trips. L’Chaim: Shimshoni – Haberman. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes. The L’Chaim of Mendel Shimshoni and Chani Haberman, both of Crown Heights, took place Sunday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovAs is the Minhag in the days of Sefira, we learn Meseches Sotah since the amount of Dafim in the Mesechta correspond to the amount of days in Sefira. Find the perfect gift for Chanie Haberman & Mendel Shimshoni. Rabbonim and Mashpiim will address the Farbrengen • Full DetailsThursday, 12 Sivan, 5783 . Chabad World News. Including Leaving groups silently and choosing who can see if you are online and moreBaby girl to Mendel & Mushky (nee Goldshmid) Naparstek – Crown Heights. On Sunday, 27 Sivan, Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim of Queens held an extraordinary event, of a Siyum on Bava Kama and a Moshiach Chidon. The L’Chaim of Mendel Shimshoni and Chani Haberman, both of Crown Heights, took place Sunday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva. Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 16 , 5783. The Jewish High Holy Days begin Monday night, but one Westchester County place of worship can’t open its doors because Ida destroyed everything inside. He looked up and said ‘John. Earlier this week, the Va’adas HaChamisha sent a letter to the Religious Affairs Ministry explaining that since the Meron disaster no insurance companies will agree to secure the site, putting the members of the committee at risk of personal liability suits and forcing them to close the site unless a solution can be found. Mendy Turen, had a Kosher Deli Picnic in honor of Lag B’Omer at the beautiful Lincoln Park!I have motion sensor lights in my back yard. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion SchneersonGenealogy profile for Mendel Stern Mendel Stern (c. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect. Photos: David Katash/Anash. Kallah: Chanie Haberman. Being the birthday of the founder of Tomchei Temimim, the Temimim used this day to gather together and be inspired to recommit themselves to live up to the high standard the Rebbe Rashab expects from his hand-picked Temimim • Full Story, PhotosChosson: Mendel Shimshoni. The L’Chaim of Mendel Shimshoni and Chani Haberman, both of Crown Heights, took place Sunday night at Lubavitcher Yeshivah in Crown Heights • Photos. This week’s ‘Beis Moshiach’: Could Judaism Stand Without Moshiach?, • The Rebbe’s Tefillin In a Korean Foxhole, • Three Cousins, 3 Locations, Reach out to 1000s of “Fifth Sons”, • A Fearless Leader, • The Chinuch Crisis: When Galus Forces You To Live Geulah •. They would go out into the forest and stand in the hills or in between trees and recite Lecha Dodi there. After her passing, the Rebbe agreed to having her photo published, for the purpose of “and the living shall take to heart” – to aspire to emulate her righteous ways. org. This event marked the 30th anniversary of the arrival of the first Chabad Shluchim in the former Soviet Union – the late Chief Rabbi Zalman Abelsky, OB”M • Full Story, PhotosThere was a fire on the fourth floor of the building located at 1429 Carroll St (next to Albany), the fire department arrived at the scene within minutes. She was 84-years-old. L’Chaim: Shimshoni – Haberman. Post New. com Dov Ber Hechtman. ”Monday, March 13, 2023 - 20 , 5783. Thousands of Jews gathered at the Western Wall (Kotel ) Plaza in Jerusalem Tuesday to mark Tisha B’Av – the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av – on which the Second Jewish Temple was. Just ask any Pokémon player and they will tell you that there are things hidden in your backyard, neighborhood, community and shopping malls that are up for grabs for those that know how to find them. This rare picture was taken in the early years, as the Rebbe was crossing over, heading towards the apartment at the corner of President Street and New York Avenue •. Daily Chumash with Rashi Parshat Korach, 1st Portion (Bamidbar (Numbers) 16:1-16:13); Daily Tehilim Chapters 140-144; Daily Tanya Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, middle of Chapter 9; Hayom Yom; Daily Mitzvah - Sefer Hamitzvot Positive Commandment 168; Daily Rambam - 1 Chapter Teshuvah - Chapter Nine; Daily Rambam - 3 Chapters. The man then approached Rabbi Ezagui and asked: “my wife’s not Jewish, but I am. The Governor visited the Kosel on Thursday, accompanied by the Shliach, Rabbi Shneur Oirechman. Dovid Hakohen Traube, OB”M, who went missing on Sunday afternoon in Greenwood Lake, has been found. org. Shluchos from around the world are in Crown Heights for the annual Kinus Hashluchos, taking place over the weekend. Mendel Shimshoni (Ben R’ Meir) – Crown Heights to Chani Haberman (Bas R’ Nachum) – Crown Heights. Name* Email*Rabbi Mendel Blau: Where EXACTLY Was the Beis HaMikdash? The Debate ExplainedThe Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion SchneersonTuesday, March 14, 2023 - 21 , 5783. Liverpool shliach Rabbi Shmuel Brown made a special Hakhel Childrens program • PhotosRabbi Shmuel Brown made a special Hakhel Childrens program • PhotosChabad World News. Chana Fradil Boymelgreen passed 770 on Monday en route to burial in Eretz Yisroel •. Thursday and doused a small fire on the home’s exterior wood shingles with a hand-held extinguisher. Photos by Menush Amit • PhotosPhotos by Menush Amit • PhotosBy ChabadInfo Reporter. Miriam Myers, OB”M, a resident of New Jersey and the mother of the Shliach to Slovakia Rabbi Baruch Myers, Shyichye. 5 July 2020 Archives. At a time like this when everyone is stuck at home and a lot of people that. A large event was held for Paris’s Nshei Chabad in Beis Chaya Mushka. On the first night of Chanukah, Chief Rabbi and Head Shliach lit the Menorah at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia’s Capital. Can I let my dogs out to the yard to do their business because I don’t walk them on the leash on Shabbos?Bring your Hebrew school’s professionalism up a few notches with this amazing new resource! Mrs. I have motion sensor lights in my back yard. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion SchneersonThe last remaining Jew in Afghanistan, Zabulon Simantov, is on his way to Israel after leaving his home due to the complete takeover of the country by the Taliban, after the group installed its own government in Kabul in late August. A person was shot outside the Young Israel of North Miami Beach, Sunday afternoon. Classified. Name* Email*Chabad World News. A car Menorah parade, organized by Bochurim from 770, took place in New York. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovWhen Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui was standing outside the Chabad house in Moscow’s Bolshaya Bronya neighborhood on the first day of Chanukah he noticed a couple standing outside taking pictures. . Chabad World News. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; ContactMonday, March 13, 2023 - 20 , 5783. Chosson From: Crown Heights. The decision was made in light of the decline in morbidity data and at the end of discussions that took place between the. Chabad of Springfield, IL, directed by Rabbi and Mrs. Last night, Motzei Shabbos, Chof Av, in honor of the Yartzeit of Reb Levik, the Rebbe MH”M’s father, 770 held the central Farbrengen •The Yeshiva World. ) at RubashkinI’m using a Chabad Megillah and I noticed that there are differences in the Megila; there isn’t a space before passuk 3 of perek 8. A Quebec Superior Court judge has agreed in part with the Chasidic Jewish Council of Quebec’s request to allow more than 10 people inside a Shul to take part in communal prayer • Full StoryIn honor of Shabbos Parshas Bo, and the upcoming Yud Shevat, ‘Mafteiach’ presents the Rebbe’s edits on the Sichos of Shabbos Parshas Bo 5746 (1986). Monday, March 13, 2023 - 20 , 5783. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Uncle: The Untold Story of Rabbi Benzion SchneersonThousands of Bochurim, Anash and guests joined the central Yud-Yud Alef Shvat Farbrengen, last night, Wednesday, in 770. I’m using a Chabad Megillah and I noticed that there are differences in the Megila; there isn’t a space before passuk 3 of perek 8. Chayale Shagalow created and designed a beautiful and tochen’dik all-inclusive curriculum, The Treasure Island Series, which is sure to wow the children and their parents • Full StoryI have motion sensor lights in my back yard. WhatsApp announced some new features today. Simcha In Action: Crown Heights Celebrates Purim. info - Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch NewsBetzalel Scheinfeld (ben R’ Motty, OB”M) – Crown Heights to Miri Kahn – London, EnglandAt the beginning of the new year, London Shluchim and Anash gathered in London for a Kinus Hakhel together with Shluchim from across the UK. Sunday night, over 400 men and women from across the city came to hear Rabbi Eisen speak at the Chabad Montreal Torah Center •. Purim Is In The Air: Maariv and Megillah in 770. The terrorist entered the station and tried to stab the policemen who were inside • Full StoryDaily Chumash with Rashi Parshat Naso, 3rd Portion (Bamidbar (Numbers) 5:1-5:10); Daily Tehilim Chapters 18-22; Daily Tanya Likutei Amarim, end of Chapter 53; Hayom Yom; Daily Mitzvah - Sefer Hamitzvot Positive Commandment 19; Daily Rambam - 1 Chapter Talmud Torah - Chapter Two; Daily Rambam - 3 Chapters Berachot - Chapter One, Berachot -. Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana says he has been tasked with overseeing Lag B’Omer celebrations at Mount Meron next year, following last year’s deadly crush that claimed the lives of 45 people, in Israel’s worst-ever peacetime disaster. SHOCKING: Israeli Govt Forced Frum Jews to Break Shabbos, Board PlaneFor the first time, a Kinus will be held at Crown Heights together with a Chsidishe Farbrengen on the occasion of the Yartzeit of Rabbi Moshe Weber, who passed away on the 28th of Adar 5760. Can I let my dogs out to the yard to do their business because I don’t walk them on the leash on Shabbos?This week’s ‘Beis Moshiach’: Moishe & Moishe in a Leningrad Apartment > Rabbi Yosef Hecht in a post Gimmel Tammuz interview > 100 Years of Chassidus & Hiskashrus > Moshiach’s Job Description > How to Solve. As the School year has been to a good start, so have the Igud’s programs geared to Mechanchim. In an interview he gave the New Jersey Jewish Standard, he outlines his goals, and describes what he. After marrying Rabbi Yisroel Noach Vogel, the couple moved to Bogotá, Colombia, where they served as. You may have lost a bit of sleep, but in the months ahead you’ll gain an extra hour of sunlight in the evenings. Kallah From: Crown Heights. But now, after years of study and receiving rabbinic ordination, he is returning to his native Roswell, Georgia, together with his wife Menucha, as a Chabad emissary • Full StoryOn the Third night of Chanukah, Governor Phil Scott and Justice William Cohen joined Chabad of Burlington, headed by Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Zeesy Raskin and the Jewish Community for a menorah lighting at the State House • Full Story, PhotosAs Israel accepts hundreds of Jewish Ukrainian refugees into the country, one prominent organization says that doing so is part of Israel’s “ethnic cleansing. Photos by Yisroel Rambach. What can I do about serving non-kosher food (potential meat & milk) in my drug rehab facilities?866 likes, 31 comments - COLlive (@colliveofficial) on Instagram on March 8, 2023: "Mazal Tov to Mendel Shimshoni (Crown Heights) and Chani Haberman (Crown Heights) on their engagem. A policewoman was stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist near Shar HaShalshelet of Jerusalem’s Old City a short time ago, one of the entrances to Har Habayis. In an unprecedented display of commitment to the Rebbe’s view on Chinuch and how students ought to spend their summer, the Talmidim of Cheder Levi Yitzchok in Melbourne spent the duration of the summer continuing their studies and growing in learning •. It happened at around 7:00PM, when a man was shot while walking outside the Shul located at 10th Ave near 171st Street. Monday, March 13, 2023 - 20 , 5783. Discover your family story17 Likes, 0 Comments - Yiddishe Simchas (@yiddishesimchas) on Instagram: “Engagement of Mendel Shimshoni to Chani Haberman #simchaspot”Last year, while students and schools were adjusting to the new reality of online learning, the “Global Pirkei Avos Mivtzah” was launched. The Shluchim were provided with a unique opportunity to learn, listen, and share experiences and perspectives on how best to convey the message of Moshiach to their communities • Full Story, PhotosThe Tomchei Temimim division of Chovevei Torah is pleased to announce that Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg will be the new menahel, starting next school year 5782 • Full StoryShlomo Sternberg will be the new menahel, starting next school year 5782 • Full StoryThe levaya of Mrs. In connection with the second yahrzeit of Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik, OB”M, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Italy for over 60 years, we are publishing a photo gallery of Rabbi Garelik throughout the years • PhotosRabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik, OB”M, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Italy for over 60 years, we are publishing a photo gallery of Rabbi GarelikThe Jewish community of Dnipro, Ukraine converged on the city’s central square the seventh night of Chanukah for a large public menorah lighting. Can I enter the building?” Rabbi Ezagui immediately. With all of the hundreds of thousands of Yidden that come to Meron on Lag B’omer, the Rebbe’s soldiers use the opportunity to do Mivtzoim in many ways. In connection with Yom HaBohir Chof Ches Sivan, the day Chassidim celebrate the Rebbe’s arrival on the shores of the USA, “Ish U’beiso”, we present a “Welcome” portion from a newspaper that was publicized when the Rebbe arrived. Location: Lubavitcher Yeshiva. Can I let my dogs out to the yard to do their business because I don’t walk them on the leash on Shabbos?Daniel Freelander is leaving his comfortable berth as senior vice president at the Union for Reform Judaism — the organization for which he has worked in various capacities for 39 years — to become president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The room is open to all, yet not everybody has a chance to go and view the priceless items contained inside. Discover your family. However, our Rabbonim have approved of including input on articles of. We present. Friday, April 7, 2023 - 16 Nissan, 5783. Watch Live: Tonight, at 8:00 PM, Rabbi YY Jacobson will be holding a special Zoom chat with the Young Israel of New Rochelle, New York titled “Moshiach in the Times of Corona” • Watch LiveWritten by ChabadInfo. Arutz Sheva/Written by Rabbi Michoel Green. info - Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch NewsI’m using a Chabad Megillah and I noticed that there are differences in the Megila; there isn’t a space before passuk 3 of perek 8. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; ContactHow do you navigate the world of food service establishments? Rabbi Hanoka of the OK explains • Watch LiveIn honor of Shabbos Parshas Yisro, ‘Mafteiach’ presents the Rebbe’s edits on the Sicha of 15 Shevat 5748 (1988), – the last weekday Farbrengen. As per the Rebbe’s instructions for every year, a special Shabbos Achdus Farbrengen in 770 has been scheduled for Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar with a number of Rabbonim addressing those coming including the Mara D’asra of Crown Heights, Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, the Mara D’asra of Eilat, ER”Y, Harav Yosef Yeshaya. It turns out that there is more to the world than meets the eye. Passengers who land at Ben Gurion Airport starting on May 20, 2022, will not be required to perform a PCR test, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz announced Sunday, in agreement with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. For many years, Rabbi Moshe Weber, an elderly Jew, would walk daily to the Western Wall, Braving the elements of the Jerusalem scorching heat, and would. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovCrownHeights. Array. ב"ה Sunday, May 21, 2023 - 1 Sivan, 5783When Rabbi Chaim Schwartz left the University of Georgia to study at a yeshiva in Israel, his family worried that he was gone for good. 1775 - 1835) - Genealogy Genealogy for Mendel Stern (c. She was 55 years old. May he merit to be raised to the path of Torah as illuminated by Chassidus, in abundant health and prosperity, peace and merriment, to the delight of our Rabbeim and the community. Sunday, March 19, 2023 - 26 , 5783. Mrs. net, will be giving the fifth installment of his weekly class on Maamar Basi L’Gani 5722 in lead up to Yud Shvat next Wednesday. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovI have motion sensor lights in my back yard. He received his PhD in Public Policy from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton, with a specialty in security policy. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovMonday, March 13, 2023 - 20 , 5783. Classifieds; Advertise; Calendar; Contact; Classifieds; Advertise; Contact; Calendar; Submit Mazel TovMatzav. All of the Seforim of the Vaad will be sold at discounted prices at the entrance of 770 throughout the 24 hours of Hei Teves • CatalogI’m using a Chabad Megillah and I noticed that there are differences in the Megila; there isn’t a space before passuk 3 of perek 8. CrownHeights.