Friday, July 1, at 10:30 a. – Independence Day Craft. 1 miles away Somerset County-operated Senior Centers offer a wide range of experiences for active older adults in a social and uplifting atmosphere intended to. For more information, call 908-753-9440. The Warrenbrook facility is managed by Somerset County’s Office on. The New Jersey Lighthouse Society participates in community events held during the year to publicize our existence and further our mission of supporting lighthouses. At the light at the end of the exit ramp, make a left onto King George Road. WARREN TWP. 00. – Are you having trouble affording your medications?WARREN — On Feb. All the programs are FREE for the registered members. – Warrenbrook Senior Center, 500 Warrenville Road, offers a variety programs and activities during November for anyone 60 years and above. Wyndham Worldwide provided an exciting Intergenerational Program for Warrenbrook Senior Center in Warren members on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, and Nov. The children of Chinese-speaking. — ~Alfred Hitchcock’s classic, “Vertigo,” all about the terrarium, kidney health, vision loss and aging, and a Japanese drumming demonstration are among the special programs. – The Warrenbrook Senior Center, at 500 Warrenville Road, will host a virtual stroll through the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s ancient Egyptian galleries at 10:30 a. The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey's Warren Township Library branch is hosting a group art exhibit of paintings featuring the work of students and artists affiliated with the. The center. 14, featuring a Gotta Dance student exhibition, at 10:30 a. WARREN TWP. 202 Mt. Any person 60 years old or older and their spouse of any age are welcome regardless of income level or resources. 13, 2013, 6:23 p. Somerset County residents who are 60 years and older are welcome to participate in any of the programs. A free demonstration of the Ageless Grace exercise and wellness program will be held at the Hillsborough Senior Center on Monday, July 20. Warrenbrook Senior Wellness Center Warrenbrook Country Club 500 Warrenville Road For more information, please call 908-753-9440 : 2nd Wednesday (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) 10:30-11:30 a. 2 at 11 a. Apr 24, 2023 Updated May 16, 2023. Mar 30, 2023 Mar 30, 2023 Updated Apr 21, 2023; WARREN TWP. It is open from 9 a. to 2 p. Youths (4-17) $7 per day. **WARREN TWP. The workshop begins with discussion on the work. m. 5. The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at 500 Warrenville Road, Warren Township, will offer several special programs in May, in honor of Older Americans Month. The Warrenbrook Senior Center in Warren will honor its 28 volunteers at a special luncheon on April 13 in celebration of National Volunteer Appreciation Week. **Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at. – The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located on the Warrenbrook Golf Course on Warrenville Road, has an abundance of activities planned for the month of February. us or click here. ** July 12, 1:30 p. Quail Brook Senior Center – 625 New Brunswick Road, Somerset (on the golf course); 732-563-4213 . – The Warrenbrook Senior Center on Warrenville Road will be closed today, Monday, Jan. 4, at the Warrenbrook Senior Center, 500 Warrenville Rd. Government. m. Programs offered at Warrenbrook Senior Center. Warren, NJ 07059. WARREN -- George Marriner Maull, artistic director of the Discovery Orchestra, will entertain older adults at the Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at 500 Warrenville Rd. m. Wellness Program Volunteer Instructors: (45-minute to one-hour long classes can be scheduled on the hour, beginning at 9:00 a. Basic Computer and iPad Instruction with Parul. m. – Brain Games. The Warrenbrook Senior Citizen's Center is one of seven centers in Somerset County operated by the Somerset County Office on Aging. to 4 p. m. m. May 8, 2023 May 8, 2023; WARREN TWP. , Warren, NJ 07059. Warrenbrook Senior Center . County Commissioners; County Clerk; Sheriff's Office; SurrogateWarrenbrook Senior Center in Warren has announced its November calendar and special events listing. m. WARREN TWP. Somerset County, NJ 20 Grove Street, P. ** Oct. Contact Information: Phone: (908) 753-9440. Somerset County-operated Senior Centers offer. Somerset County-operated Senior Centers offer a wide range of experiences for active older adults in a social and uplifting atmosphere intended to. WARREN TWP. -- Trains bridge generations. m. – The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located on the Warrenbrook Golf Course on Warrenville Road, has an abundance of activities planned for the month of January. WARREN TWP. Warrenbrook Senior Wellness Center. We are a 200+ members strong social club. Carly Kilroy, Patch Staff. For information or to reserve a place in some. Address 500 Warrenville Rd, Warren, NJ 07059 Map Phone (908) 753-9440 Contact Name Email address Website Details Somerset County. Warrenbrook Senior Center 500 Warrenville Rd | Warren NJ 07059 | 7. P. 500 Warrenville Road, Warren, NJ 07059 Parul Patel, Manager 908-753–9440 or 908-226-0051 (From Newark): Take Route 78 West to Exit 36 (Warrenville). WARREN TWP. WARREN TWP. m. **WARREN — A program titled “The Life and Work of Andy Warhol” will be held at the Warrenbrook Senior Center on Nov. Posted Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 12:54 pm ET. Hosted by the Senior Wellness Center at Hillsborough. The center is set in from the road on the side of the lot. - Motorists 55 and older can learn about new traffic laws and defensive driving techniques by taking a classroom driver-improvement course at the Warrenbrook Senior Center, 500 WarrenvilleWARREN TWP. – The following programs are being offered during the month of April at the. Join the fun, Monday through Friday, from 9 a. WARREN TWP. Make Totem Pole. Contact the senior center by 10 a. The Warrenbrook Senior Center at 500 Warrenville Road in Warren, has planned special events for the month of July. m. , will host two educational programs in July. – In honor of Older Americans Month, Warrenbrook Senior Center is collecting “new” small gift items that children at two local cancer and blood disorder treatment centers willWarrenbrook Senior Center lists upcoming programs. Senior Wellness Center at HillsboroughWARREN – Residents may drop off any expired and unused medications at the Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at the golf course at 500 Warrenville Road, from 9:30 to 10:30 a. Profile; Additional Information; Address: 500 Warrenville Road Warren, NJ 07059. WARREN TWP. 27, at the Warrenbrook Senior Center. The facility moved to its present location on. List of Warren Senior Centers. 356 Skillman Road | Skillman NJ 08558 | 20. m. $14 per day. Lunch & Learn “How Can I Tell. It’s fun and challenging to create the most words with the letters given. to 4 p. The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located on the Warrenbrook Golf Course, at 500 Warrenville Road, Warren, is looking for volunteers to help with the Meals On Wheels food preparation. Some of the special programs include: Friday, Nov. 30 to offer a presentation titled “How Not to be a Victim of Fraud. For more information, or to register for programs that. Carly Kilroy, Patch Staff. 8 miles away. WARREN TWP. Wednesday, Aug. (From Points North): Take NJ Turnpike to 287 South. WARREN TWP. The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at 500 Warrenville Road in Warren Township, is looking to fulfill a need and expand its support of seniors in the community. Take a break and soothe yourself with calming music and meditation, which will help reduce stress, control anxiety, increase attention span, and decrease age-related memory loss. WARREN TWP. Join fellow center members to discuss, “Girl Waits with Gun” by Amy Stewart, then select the next book to read. Follow directions from Somerville. . m. Below is the highlight of some of the programs available at Warrenbrook Senior Center in March. 500 Warrenville Road. 06/28/2023 8:40 AM. – The following programs are being offered during the month of May at the Warrenbrook Senior Center, 500 Warrenville Road. between. Warrenbrook Senior Center 500 Warrenville Rd | Warren NJ 07059 | 8. – Warrenbrook Senior Center is offering events in May that focus on safety and fitness, art and nature. The center is open from 9 a. to 3:30 p. Classes at the Washington School gym and the Warrenbrook Senior Center will be held Sept. The Somerset County Senior Wellness Center, located at. WARREN TWP. , at least one business day in advance, to make a lunch. The Warrenbrook Senior Center is closed today due to the weather. m. WARREN TWP. the Warrenbrook Senior Center. 19, 3 p. 13. 50, every. WARREN TWP. WARREN — The Warrenbrook Senior Center will host a “Lunch and Learn” program about birds and bird-watchers on Thursday beginning at 10:45 a. to 1:30 p. Government. 10, the senior center celebrates Valentine’s Day. Please (908) 753-9440 for more information on how to become member of the Warrenbrook Senior Community. Posted Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:24 am ET. m. On Wednesday, Feb. On August 26, Warrenbrook Senior Center, at 500 Warrenville Road, located on the Warrenbrook Golf Course, hosted a Rainforest Special Event. **All supplies are included with this class. m. Warrenbrook Senior Center 500 Warrenville Rd | Warren NJ 07059 | 12. You will see a large parking lot. m. Carly Kilroy, Patch Staff. For more information, call 908-753-9440. – Students affiliated with the Warrenbrook Senior Center of Somerset County’s Watercolor Paint Class are once again displaying their artwork in Somerset County Library System‘s. 4 miles away Somerset County-operated Senior Centers offer a wide range of experiences for active older adults in a social and uplifting atmosphere intended to. unless otherwise listed. m. 18 and 25, Oct. Kapoor, Rosalinda Ramos and Mary Hamfeldt prepare knitted items for delivery at the Warrenbrook Senior Center. – 4 p. The Warrenbrook Senior Center at 500 Warrenville Road in Warren, has planned special events for the month of August. m. — The Warrenbrook Senior Center hosted a special Proper Disposal of Medications program on Monday, July 8,Warrenbrook Senior Center lists April programs. on Wednesday, July 30. 0. ( 30 Reviews ). hosted by the Warrenbrook Senior Center. May 1, 8, 15 & 22, 10:30 a. New members are always welcome! **This program is only for clients of the Warrenbrook Senior Center. 1 miles away . At 10:30 a. The Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at 500 Warrenville Road in Warren, will offer Tai Chi classes for beginners from 9:15-10:15 a. somerset. Warrenbrook Senior Center, located at 500 Warrenville Road, is one of the six county operated Senior Centers. m. Created By. The Needlework Group. 1 miles away. – Warren Township Middle School Peer Leaders, under the direction on Susan Cooper, visited the Warrenbrook Senior Center on Wednesday, Jan. Submitted by Somerset County:WARREN - Older adults are invited to an Art of the Masters program by Creative Notions, of Rockaway, at 10:15 a. 50 for anyone age 60 and above. These centers can offer information and assistance related to local programs. WARREN TWP. 3, 11 a. Address: 500 Warrenville Road Warren, NJ 07059; Phone: (908) 753-9440; Amenities: Categories: Senior Center; Return to full list >> Home Marketplace SiteMap. Warrenbrook Senior Center, 500 Warrenville Road, in Warren, has announced its August events. From left, Veronica Kissell, V. SOMERVILLE, NJ – The Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services is reopening Warrenbrook Senior Center for in-person activities, programs, and congregate dining beginning Friday, April 1, and will continue to be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a. Health Presentations For All County Seniors at Somerset Hills, Warren Centers - Bernardsville-Bedminster, NJ - Senior citizens from throughout the county invited to Tuesday's special presentations. Somerset County, NJ 20 Grove Street, P. m. m. Take a break and soothe yourself with calming music and meditation, which will help reduce stress, control anxiety, increase your attention span, and decrease age-related memory loss. Please call 908-753-9440 for. 500 Warrenville Rd | Warren NJ 07059 | 17. 15, at 10:30 a. Posted Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 12:53 pm ET. 00 for 60 and over, and under 60 is $7.